Fundación LED (Freedom of Expression + Democracy) is a private, non-profit organization, engaged in protecting and spreading the right of freedom of expression provided for in the Argentine Constitution and in the various international treaties which have been incorporated in it, in monitoring public policies concerning Access to information, official publicity and transparency, and in defending democratic values based on dialogue and plurality of voices.
It is formed by professionals in different fields and citizens interested in these issues, is highly esteemed in this respect and has renowned social protagonism.
Fundación LED carries out its activities together with different organizations, promoting agreements which will help materialize its objectives domestically and internationally.
It thus has divided its work into different thematic areas among which the following stand up: Press and Communication, Filing complaints and reports, Legislature Reporting and Monitoring, International Affairs and Following up on Pubic Income.
Fundación LED is actively involved in researching, disclosing and promoting freedom of expression and thorough compliance of any and all principles supporting a truly democratic society, paying particular attention to the defense of Human Rights in their broadest meaning.
Fundación LED is an independent organization which always stands its ground as an institution in the different debates within our society, actively promoting citizen involvement.