LED Foundation’s Position vis-a-vis the Possible Amendment of the Statute of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)

The LED Foundation has paid close attention to the debating process during the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) held in Cochabamba, Bolivia, in connection with the functioning of the Special Rapporteurship for Freedom of Expression in the framework of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

As has already been noted, in our Foundation’s opinion, any attempt at limiting the fields of action and the powers of the Rapporteurship constitutes a serious risk for Freedom of Expression in a region where the right in question has undergone and is undergoing serious attacks.

Further, we have repeatedly reiterated to governments that no conflicts between them and the media of their countries can account in any way whatsoever for any weakening of citizens’ rights.

Thus, given the decision to carry out an integral review of the IACHR Statute by the OAS Council, the LED Foundation shall take action aimed at disclosing the dangers of such reforms and at building awareness in the different national states and among their citizens about the importance not just of maintaining, but also of increasing, the activities of the agencies engaged in protecting Human Rights, in particular the Special Rapporteurship for Freedom of Expression.

In particular, we shall struggle for the Argentine Government to keep up our country’s historical tradition of cooperation with and strengthening of international organizations while abiding by their decisions.

With this objective in mind, the Foundation shall find the way to act together with other local and foreign civil society organizations which have expressed similar purposes.

Finally, we call upon all citizens, urging each and every one of them to play an active, leading role defending the organizations which for decades have been the ultimate safeguard of Human Rights in this region, and urge party states to take into account the expressions of their citizens, who are the end recipients of any actions taken by such institutions.
